
Guided Installation

EPLAN Platform 2024

Dialog Master data synchronization - system master data

Compare master data

  1. Select [Yes] in the "Synchronize System Master Data" dialog.
  2. EPLAN now compares the original master data with the system master data.  This may take a few minutes.

Controlling Master Data Reconciliation

  1. In the menu bar, select the Master Data tab > Synchronize > System Master Data command group.
  2. Now the master data is automatically imported.
  3. Confirm the note dialog for backing up your system master data with [Yes].
  4. The "Master Data Reconciliation - System Master Data" dialog opens. Here you will find an overview and comparison of your master data.
  5. Check the "Status" column in the "EPLAN Master Data" table on the right. Only "Identical" should be displayed.
  6. Change the drop-down menu "Source", top right e.B. from "Electric P8 Data" to "Platform Data". The corresponding master data is read in and compared.
  7. Check the "Status" column in the "EPLAN Master Data" table on the right. You should also only see "Identical".
  8. Repeat this process until you have compared all the entries listed in the "Sources" drop-down menu with your system master data.


  • If you see > "Identical" in the "Status" column, your system master data is up to date and you use the full range of functions of your installed master data.
  • For the status "Different" click on the arrow at [Update], a drop-down menu opens, execute the command [System master data (older) and additions].
  • Use an appropriate filter to optimize the display in the two tables. The filter function can be found in the dialog, below links.

Further information is available here: Dialog Master Data Reconciliation - System Master Data (

Guided Installation

Guided Installation