
Guided Installation

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Experienced Learn how to convert your project templates to basic projects

Have you used project templates (*.ept or *.epb) to create new projects? Then you now have the option to convert them.

Starting with Platform 2022, projects will be created on the basis of basic projects (*.zw9).
Project templates from older EPLAN versions (version 2.9 and earlier) can be converted to basic projects using the XPrjConvertBaseProjectsAction action. By specifying various parameters, you can select individual project templates, directories, or specific file types for conversion.

Convert project templates, entire folder

  1. Staring the EPLAN Platform.
  2. Right-click the ribbon.
  3. Select the context menu item [Customize Ribbon].
  4. In the Main tab box, select where you want to add the custom tab.
  5. Click the [New Tab] button.
  6. Below the currently selected tab, a new custom tab named New Tab (Custom) is created.
  7. Select the new tab.
  8. Click the [Rename] button.
  9. In the subsequent dialog, enter the desired name for the tab, starting with your company ID (XYZ) e.B. "[XYZ] Conversion".
  10. Select the new user group.
  11. Click the [Rename] button.
  12. In the subsequent dialog, enter the desired name for the user group, e.B. "Convert project templates as a whole".
  13. In the Main tab box, select the Convert Total Project Templates custom command group.
  14. Select the [Set Setting] action on the left.
  15. Click the blue [right] arrow in the middle to associate the selected command with the custom command group.
  16. In the Rename dialog that follows, select the image that you want to display for the command on the ribbon.
  17. In the Display name box, type Start Conversion to display for the command on the ribbon.
  18. In the Command line field, enter the following action:
    • XPrjConvertBaseProjectsAction /Folder:$(MD_TEMPLATES)
    • The path at "/Folder:$(MD_TEMPLATES)" can be adjusted to your desired directory where your current project templates are located.
  19. Click [OK]. The new tab appears on the ribbon.
  20. Run the command from the button you created.
  21. The converted base projects are created in the same folder as the source data. Ready!

Then make sure that your new converted base projects (*.zw9) are stored in the appropriate place in your EPLAN master data for the new platform version under "...\Templates".


You can associate commands with only one custom command group. Custom command groups are identified by appending "(Custom)" to the name.

For more information, see Customizing the Ribbon ( and Base Projects Instead of Project Templates (

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