
Guided Installation

Standardised installation and structured initial setup

EPLAN Recommendation

  • In the "Install software correctly" step, you have selected the option to store system master data in the same directory path as in the previous version. Then operation 1 applies. If you have decided to work with a version folder, operation 2 applies.
  • If you have extended or adapted identification letters, connection names and connection descriptions to the function definitions in the previous version, then first save them via the export function.
  • Make a temporary backup of your previous system tam data.

Transaction 1: Update Master Data

  1. Select [Custom] in the " Synchronize System Master Data" dialog.
  2. A new window "Master Data Reconciliation - System Master Data" opens.
  3. Confirm the note Dialog for data backup with [Yes].
  4. EPLAN now compares the original master data with the system master data.  This may take a few minutes.
  5. In the table on the left, the system master data is displayed with, among other things, your own master data. In the right-hand table, the EPLAN master data with the status "New" or "Not in system master data".
  6. Get an overview of which master data you want to update.
    • If you would like to use all master data provided by EPLAN, select the menu item "Update" at the bottom right and the menu item System Master Data (older) and Additions.
    • If you only want to update certain master data, select them in the right table and update the old ones to the left using the [arrow key].

Note: We recommend that you update at least the symbol libraries and function definitions so that you can use the full functionality of the installed software.

Dialog Master data synchronization - system master data

Transaction 2: Reconcile Master Data

  1. Select [Yes] in the "Synchronize System Master Data"dialog.
  2. EPLAN now compares the original master data with the system master data. This may take a few minutes.

Controlling Master Data Reconciliation

  1. In the menu bar, choose the menu item [Master Data] and then [Compare System Master Data].
  2. A new window "Master Data Reconciliation - System Master Data" opens.
  3. Confirm the note Dialog for data backup with [Yes].
  4. Check the "Status" column of the "EPLAN Master Data" table on the right. Only "Identical" should be displayed.
  5. Change the source in the drop down menu, top right. Z.B from Electric P8 Data to Platform Data. The corresponding master data is loaded and compared.
  6. Here, too, check the "Status" column of the "EPLAN Master Data" table on the right. Only "Identical" should be displayed.
  7. Repeat the process until you have checked all the entries listed in the "Sources" drop-down menu.

Note: If you are shown "Identical" in the status, your system master data is up to date and you use the full functionality of your installed version. If the status is "Different", use the [Update] function and the [System Master Data (older) and Additions subfunction].

Dialog Master data synchronization - system master data

Controlling system master data

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