
Guided Installation

Standardised installation and structured initial setup

The EPLAN Data Portal makes article data available for download in EPLAN format, thus simplifying the creation of plant documentation. In this exchange portal between article manufacturers and electrical planners, the product data is immediately available online, with all solutions anchored in the EPLAN Platform accessing this web service.
EPLAN Plattform - Data Portal

Use Data Portal

  1. Open a desired schematic page.
  2. Now, on the ribbon, select the "EPLAN Cloud" tab, click on the "Data Portal" app.
  3. In the header of the open tab, right-click and select "Dock as Tab".
  4. Now select a desired manufacturer e.B. Rittal. You will see all articles from the manufacturer Rittal that are provided in the Data Portal.
  5. Select a desired item from the item list, select the drop-down menu on the right, and then click [Insert Item].
  6. The "Article Import" dialog opens.
  7. Select an import type e.B.: "Update existing item data and add new ones".
  8. Select the scope of the article import to download the accessories if necessary.
  9. Click [OK], the download will start.
  10. You can then place the article graphically.


To use the EPLAN Data Portal, you need an EPLAN ID.

To access the Data Portal in the web browser: In your web browser, open EPLAN Cloud | Home. Click on "Login" and enter your EPLAN ID.

Further information can be found here: EPLAN Data Portal.

Watch a short "How to Video"!

Create your own workspace

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